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Page history last edited by keith_hodges 15 years, 9 months ago

Only for the brave, run line by line.

HTTPSocket httpFileIn: 'installer.pbwiki.com/f/LPF.st'.

(Smalltalk at: #Installer) install: 'Tasks'.

Squeak310MakeBuildCandidate taskBUILD run.

Squeak310MakeBuildCandidate taskSaveAll run. "only saves on master builder"

Squeak310MakeBuildCandidate taskMakeRelease run.


This page presents a list of ideas for Squeak 3.11. Portions of work can be assembled into 3.10 LPF image so as to build a 3.11 prospect.

The code that does the work starts here --> NextTestCandidate. NextUnstableCandidate


  1. Start with 3.10 LPF
  2. Sake and Tasks
  3. Do SetPreferences-Squeak3:10
  4. Add 311-KernelExtensions - as version managed Sake/Task
  5. Packages
  6. Do Reorganize-Squeak3:10
  7. Do Latest
    1. MinorFixes-Squeak3:10 - as version managed SakeTask
    2. MajorFixes-Squeak3:10
    3. PackageUpgrades
  8. Optionally Do LatestUnstable
    1. MinorFixesUnstable-Squeak3:10
    2. MajorFixesUnstable-Squeak3:10
    3. PackageUpgradedUnstable
  9. DeprecatedMark-Squeak3:10 - mark deprecated
  10. DeprecatedClean-Squeak3:10 - remove stuff that was deprecated in 3.9/3.10
  11. Save Packages
  12. Clean-Squeak3:10 - remove stuff that is old or can be reloaded
  13. Strip-Squeak3:10 - back to minimal




  1. DONE Kernel Packages - allow definitions of trimmed packages within main packages
  2. Atomic Loading Solution MC1.6 ? SystemEditor needs to support Traits
  3. Use Logging instead of Transcript in the image, minimal Transcript Logger.
  4. Remove OldSocket
  5. Remove MessageCatcher
  6. Workspaces Improvements
    1. able to function as a file editor
    2. Workspaces to save themselves to a file on image save, and load on load
    3. Convenience methods for opening workspace on file
    4. Wire up file list to open .txt and .text files in a workspace
  7. Fix UI tools to be Scripter compatible
  8. Underscores in Selectors and Class names
  9. Solve sources/changes file limits
  10. freeSomeSpace/#cleanUp included in 311/Kernel-Extensions
  11. SUnit refactor and performance reporting
  12. Fix Nebraska
    1. Unload Nebraska
  13. Get stylized methods working in MC and fileouts again
  14. Package squeak using more user-friendly installer packages (self-extracting windows packages, mac .dmg's; linux tarballs)
  15. Be able to load an .image/.changes pair from a .zip file without unzipping
  16. Review Etoys startup code




Stephane Ducasse sent a message about more things we need to work on in able to make a better squeak: http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/squeak-dev/2008-February/124875.html


Priorities - Keith

  1. My top priority will be MC1.6 with true Atomic Loading, of course this project will be key for any future release.
  2. My second priority for my own comercial work is the cleaning scripts. (My problem is that I am hopeless at debugging obsolete classes! so I wish someone else would do it)

Comments (1)

Anonymous said

at 7:58 pm on Feb 2, 2008

Stephane Ducasse sent a message about more things we need to work on in able to make a better squeak: http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/squeak-dev/2008-February/124875.html

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